In this accessibility podcast Chad and I discuss the merits of the Adobe Acrobat Action Wizard for accessibility and when you should and shouldn’t use it. We also talk about dealing with making scanned documents accessible using Acrobat as well as advanced options like Abbyy Fine Reader. You definitely want to stick around to find out Who’s on Twitter. This episode’s feature comes from Scotland!
PAC 2021 upcoming release, accessibility events and complex menus
In this episode we discuss complex navigation menus in a PDF and defining the expected user experience with the client and we talk about the upcoming release of PAC 2021 for MAC and PC!!! Do not forget “Who’s on Twitter?” This week we reveal a very useful twitter profile if you are interested in keeping up on speaking events related to accessibility.
Alternate Text and the Little Book of Accessibility
Join us this week where we take a deep dive into Alternate text and how to approach it in several ways and talk about the little book of accessibility. This podcast sponsored by CommonLook.
Order Panel versus Layer Panel, Actual Text and blind gaming
Join us this week where we talk about the Order panel versus the Layer panel and what to use, when. We also bring up an important point about Actual Text and how you can unintentionally misuse it. Our “Who’s on Twitter Spotlight” features a blind World of Warcraft player and our sponsor this episode is CommonLook. You do not want to miss this episode!
Be My Eyes, Creative Pro Week and Loo Bell Woo!
This week we talk about Be My, some great movies starring people with disabilities as well as the great content in our upcoming sessions for Creative Pro Week. Listen in and see who is on Twitter this week to hear who is loo bell woo!
Accessibility Tools in PDF Preflight Fixups and Made to Tag plugin for InDesign
In this episode we cover PDF Preflight Fixups. Accessibility quick fixes you might not have ever known was there. We also talk about a great plugin for InDesign called Made to Tag by Axaio that helps export compliant tables right from InDesign.
Guest: Sheri Byrne-Haber on starting an accessibility program in your organization
This week, we are excited because we have a very special guest. So Sheri Byrne-Haber is someone that I have been following for a long time on Medium and she and I have become friends on LinkedIn. I look forward to her articles, they are always so great. Sherry is an accessibility architect with VMware. And I’m really happy to introduce Sherry to you here today at Chax Chat. So Sheri, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Guest: Whitney Quesenbery author of “A Web for Everyone”
Alright guys, welcome to another episode of Chax Chat. I’m here with Chad Chelius, and we have a special guest today, Whitney Quesenbery, who happens to be the co-author of “A Web For Everyone” and she now runs the Center for Civic Design. Whitney, welcome to the program. We wanted to have Whitney on as a guest because one of the things that is interesting is, you know, with accessibility being promoted in a lot of companies right now, you know, fighting that pushback of when do you start accessibility?
Jose Martinez of the Lighthouse for the Blind talks about Alt-text for Hyperlinks and forms mode for screen readers
Listen to our guest speaker, Jose Martinez of the Lighthouse for the Blind as he talks about his experience with forms and the problems with forms mode. We also talk about alt-text on hyperlinks and why they are important. It’s our fourth podcast and we’re getting a lot of good feedback, which is exciting and, you know, just really enjoying creating these podcasts and getting the word out getting people’s feedback.
Microsoft’s not-an-Artifact tag, Go-to Accessibility Tools and methods for Testing for A11y compliance
Topics for this episode includes the not-an-Artifact tag, Go-to Accessibility Tools and methods for Testing for compliance. Welcome to another episode of Chax Chat. Join Chad Chelius and me, Dax Castro, where each week we wax poetic about document accessibility topics, tips, and the struggle of remediation and compliance. So sit back, grab your favorite mug of whatever. And let’s get started.