
10 Things you can do to improve accessibility without being an expert

Download this useful PDF that gets your team started at creating more accessible content.
Sample of the accessible PDF document available for download from the form on this page.

Handout: 10 thing you can do to improve accessibility without being an expert

Hide/Show Articles Panel Items

Have you ever forgot to add something to the Articles Panel, only to find out after you have exported and edited your PDF? Anybody who uses the articles panel in Adobe in design knows that in order to accurately define the tag order of the content in your document, you need to use the articles panel. But, it's super easy to forget to add some of those things to the articles panel and there's no real good way to check it. This is where our script comes in. Chad and I would like to introduce you to a new script that we developed in conjunction with our colleague Keith Gilbert to help solve this very problem. The script works like a toggle that hides and shows everything in your articles panel. Fill out the form below to automatically download the script.

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