
Guest Adam Spencer: Large-scale accessibility, PDF Association, the AxesPDF table editor and overcoming bad design for accessibility

Chad Chelius and I take an opportunity to talk to Adam Spencer, CEO of AbleDocs about large-scale document accessibility, being a member of the PDF Association and the struggles of overcoming bad design for improved accessibility. 

Guest Colleen Gratzer: Accessibility Roadblocks

Listen in as Chad Chelius and I talk to our guest Colleen Gratzer of Gratzer Graphics and Design Domination Podcast. We discuss common roadblocks when talking with clients about accessibility and how to navigate through things like changing colors for compliance and using tools like color.adobe.com, bulleted lists and the proper way to map and use styles.

Accessibility Scripts and Tools for Acrobat and InDesign

Join Chad and I as we review several accessibility scripts and tools for Acrobat and Adobe InDesign you should be using when you need to remediate documents or edit the source files. Do not miss our review section on WCAG 1.4.1 Color only as well. There are some tips and tricks in there you should know.

Understanding Accessibility Guidelines: WCAG, PDF/UA, Matterhorn Protocol

Join Chad and I as we talk about what’s new in WCAG 2.1. This information-packed episode covers several different accessibility standards documents you should be referencing like the Matterhorn Protocol, Tagged PDF Best Practice Guide, ISO-32000-1, ISO 14289-1 and PDF/UA. Make sure you don’t miss our discussion about the myths about minimum font size and the upcoming mobile accessibility advancement- Adobe PDF Liquid Mode.