
Online Accessibility Training Courses

Our accessibility training courses are presenting in a an easy-to-understand method that empowers attendees to quickly implement techniques that will improve the accessibility of their digital content.

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Upcoming Live Training Classes Online - $299

Enroll 7 days in advance and receive a $75 discount using Promo Code EARLYB22

Are your PDF forms accessible? Give us three hours and Chad Chelius, ADS will give you the skills to make them accessible. You will leave this class with a solid understanding of the limitations and capabilities of the current software and a step-by-step method for creating accessible PDF forms from InDesign, Word, or Acrobat.

Time: 8am to 11am PDT

Class is starting soon.

This class focuses on the tools you need to know and the testing methods that will efficiently and definitively check your document for usability. Give us 3 hours and you will leave the class with screen reader shortcuts and a checklist for evaluating a document.

Time: 8am to 11am PDT

Class is starting soon. Enroll now.

Aug 15: Document Testing
with Adobe Acrobat

Are you only using the Acrobat Checker to validate your documents? They could still have accessibility barriers. Are you using drop caps? Non-English languages? Hyphens? Complex Tables and Infographics? You will learn how to test your document for usability to ensure a robust user experience.

Time: 8am to 11am PDT

Class is starting soon. Enroll now.